Charlie is 50% larger than he was at birth! In less than 7 weeks, he has gained 3 lbs and 4 oz; he now weighs 9 lbs 6 ounces. Check out that belly and the thigh rolls!
We went to the doctor today so she could confirm what I suspected - there's nothing wrong with this boy. The pear juice made him poop a little more, but didn't help with the gas and the struggle to get it all out. So the doctor checked him out and basically said his digestive system just takes a while to get it all done, and that he'd probably outgrow it by the time he's 2-3 months old. We are going to try some anti-gas drops, and hope like crazy that they work, because the next suggestion the doctor had was for me to go on a dairy-free diet. She obviously doesn't realize I'm from Wisconsin...
Farmhouse kitchen design plan
7 years ago
Go Charlie! He's on track to overtake Teddy's 2 mo stats (10 lb 1 oz) -- even after an early start!
Hmm...I have to confess that the dairy-free thing crossed my mind as I was reading your previous entry... Let's just say that if you need any advice on how it's done, you've got a good resource. :) And after the first couple weeks, it really isn't that bad...except when dining out! My doc said that if you really want to try it, it takes a full two weeks to get all the dairy out of your system (i.e. you can't just skip a day or a week and than give in and say it didn't work). Quite a commitment -- but all worth it, of course.
OK, must get back to cleaning house before tonight's book club converges on Sheridan!
And BYW, after his first few weeks of regularity, Teddy started to go 4-6 days between #2s, too. (Unlike his 1/2x daily sis!)
Needless to say, I brought extra outfits each time we left the house as these infrequent events were quite dramatic... Good times!
That last picture of Charlie is what he thinks of his mom's potential dairy-free diet. :) Too cute! I love that belly! Impressive!
No dairy!!!!!! Would life be worth living???? I hope that it sorts itself out without you having to deal with that!
The pictures are so cute! Looking forward to August and seeing him for real.
Glad he is gaining weight so he can fit the clothes that I sent. I was getting worried that I might need to go get the smaller size.
Super cute! For what it is worth we had similar issues with Carter. Lot's of straining/grunting and he was very hard to settle down at night. I changed my diet, no spicy, dairy, onions, etc. and it did not improve. We went so far as to get a Rx for baby Zantax - which also did not make a difference for Carter. In the end it was like it just magically disappeared around 2.5 months....just like the doctors say. So annoying when they are right:-)
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