Charlie turned 4 months old while we were gone. As a result, his 4-mo doctor appointment today was a week+ late, but here are the latest stats: 23.75 inches tall (10-25th percentile), 13 lbs 1 oz (same), with a 16 & 7/8 inch head. He's "petite," as the doctor put it - he is still fitting into most of his 3 month size clothing, and I just saw that our friend's 2 month old is the exact same height! But all that matters is that he remains on his growth curve, which he is, including that big head, which is in the 50th -75th percentile. :) The doctor happily pronounced him "100% perfect."

The information sheet we got from the pediatrician today says that the 4-month mark "is considered one of the most social ages in infancy." This could not describe Charlie better. He has become so interactive - his facial expressions are priceless and often hilarious. People are always commenting about his big eyes and his expressive eyebrows. He is really watching the world now; his eyes find us across the room, and his head is always turning to watch Zach. And then there are the smiles - so plentiful and joyful. We're also hearing laughs regularly - big guffaws that usually come out sounding like a "huhn!"
Scott's parents commented on how different Charlie seemed from the beginning of our 12-day visit to the

Charlie's hands also have new life - they're either stuffed in his mouth (as many fingers as possible or even an entire fist) or grabbing on to whatever he can reach. The doctor had just asked me today if he was grasping toys when he reached over and got a death grip on the stethoscope hanging from her neck. I didn't have to answer that question.
He continues his love/hate relationship with the carseat. He is better about napping in it now, but he will certainly let you know when he wants out. In fact, he's become more vocal in general, both with his babbling, but also with his crying. While 95% of his waking hours he's a very happy guy, when he's mad, he's mad - and he'll let you know. Not much of an in-between with this guy.
Charlie also prefers to take his naps in someone's arms these days, usually laying on their chest or shoulder after being walked/bounced to sleep. And since there were plenty of arms available in Montana, we're going to have some work to do to get this boy to nap in his bed! Sleeping in the crib at night - no problem. Sleeping there during the day - he'd rather not.
Scott's parents almost got to see Charlie roll over too - he would get his shoulders turned, but couldn't quite get his hips flipped all the way. So I had to laugh when today I sat down to write this, with Charlie on his tummy next to me... and he promptly rolled onto his back! It definitely scared him; he had some momentum going, so it'll be interesting to see how long it takes before it happens again.
Happy "birthday" Charliebug!
1 comment:
The picture of Scott and Charlie is priceless! Love it!
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