The trip started off great - I couldn't have asked for a better drive down. Charlie slept the entire way, other than when we stopped for lunch, while Zach happily watched a movie and then fell asleep 3 minutes after emphatically informing me that he was not going to sleep in the car. I take it back - I could have asked for one more thing... that Zach sleep an
additional 25 minutes so I didn't have to answer various "are we there yet" and "how much longer" questions over and over.

We spent Thursday night playing with all of grandpa's great toys. Friday we got to celebrate my nephew's 6th birthday a little early. Cake, Chase's new golf clubs, and lots of time to play with his cousins equals a fantastic day for Zach.
Friday night we headed to our annual church festival. In my day it was called the "fun fair" - we even had carnival rides like the tilt-a-whirl. These days, the kids can enjoy some inflatable structures - which Zach certainly did! He also tried his hand at the carnival games and came away with some "prizes" - a hackey-sack and the usual various pieces of molded plastic.
Saturday we had the opportunity to watch my friend's 8 year old son play in his first football
game (flag, but with pads). It was pretty fun and funny - those boys looked so tiny in those uniforms with the big shoulder pads! We had too short of a visit with our friends, and with my aunt and uncle that afternoon. But we needed to head home, for I had learned that there is, in fact, a limit to how many nights Zach will sleep well away from home. Skipping his nap Friday probably didn't help either... he had definitely hit the wall! So the drive home wasn't quite as pleasant, but we made it.

We jammed a lot into that short weekend, and had lots of fun as usual, but it was nice to get home to our own beds. :)
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