Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A lotta Halloween

Zach had two costumes to choose from this year; he wore this lion costume two years ago (back when I got to pick what he'd wear for Halloween), and it was huge on him. There was a chance his Wario costume might not arrive in time for the Brodd's celbration, so I pulled the lion out and had Zach try it on - a perfect fit! He wore it long enough for me to take a picture; if his Wario costume didn't arrive, he wasn't going to wear any costume to the party. The Wario costume came with a stick-on mustache; this picture was taken in the 30 seconds Zach kept it on so I could take a picture. Notice how stiff he is - he looks like he's in the military!

Our next Halloween celebration was the annual Monster Mash, sponsored by our ECFE program. Lots of games and activities to keep the little ones happy:

I didn't think we'd ever get Charlie out of the bounce house, or away from the basketball hoops. But Zach got through every single game very quickly, so we had time to head to the party hosted by his preschool's church...

Where he met up with his buddy Brett (Mario) and Brett's brother Riley - the Mario Brothers! Zach got to play some more games, and increase his candy stash.

And finally, the actual day of Halloween! Zach's school celebrated with a little party (more candy), and then that night we headed out to trick or treat.

Zach ended up cruising around in our neighbor's riding lawn mower-pulled trailer with a pack of neighbor kids, so Charlie and I hurried home to hand out treats (Scott was curling) to the hordes of trick or treaters ringing our doorbell. Charlie enjoyed seeing the kids, but was equally enchanted with this flashlight!

Whew... I wonder what Halloween will be like next year???

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