Saturday, September 11, 2010


One on of our last days in Montana, we celebrated our niece Bryn's 8th birthday a couple weeks early. We started off the fun with some tie-dying:

We discovered that similar to fishing, tie-dying requires patience. So not surprisingly, it ended up being Mandy, Maryn, and me doing most of the work. Although I had way too much fun, so I shouldn't really call it work! And look at those results!

Then it was time for the usual pool antics. There were a few special events for Bryn's birthday... first Scott threw her in the pool with her clothes on. She later got her revenge by dumping a glass of water on him once he was dressed, which resulted in Zach crying in outrage on his dad's behalf. :)

Then Alan got in on the swimming action (this is not a common occurrence, Scott's mom is generally the one in the pool):

And then there was the water slide. Yes, the kids went on it a little, but the water was very cold, so Alan and Scott did their best to create some excitement about it.

And what's a birthday without cake??

Charlie didn't get to take part in much of the celebration, preferring to spend time checking out his crazy big brother.

1 comment:

Sarah, Brien, Aiden and Ava said...

Looks like fun! I love the picture of your three guys! :) So sweet.