Sunday, August 14, 2011

Summer in MT - part 1

We're back! Did you miss us? We were on our annual summer vacation to Montana, although this year there was a twist: July 30th would have been Scott's Grandpa Bob's 100th birthday, so Scott's family on his dad's side gathered together in Columbia Falls, MT, for a family reunion.

Scott's Uncle Bud & Aunt Alice were our gracious hosts; we all camped on their beautiful property. Scott's parents, Zach, and Zach's cousins Bryn & Maryn slept in their brand-new camper, while Scott, Charlie, and I were lucky enough to borrow Scott's cousin's camper. So fortunately, we had running water and a warm place to sleep!
Over the three days, the kids had fun going for four-wheeler rides, playing in the 1954 camper later dubbed "the kids camper" (above), and discovering their primitive sides in the woods.
^Zach's cousin Liam, almost 6

I think the kids' favorite spot was the melted snow-fed creek (pronounced "crick") that runs through the Willard compound. Zach and his cousins spent endless hours throwing rocks into it, fishing from it, and for the brave few - swimming in it!

Some shots from the reunion itself:
^Did I mention Scott's brother Micheal shares Grandpa Bob's birthday?

^There was no shortage of dogs roaming the party, to Charlie's great delight. Zach's cousin Maryn started out the weekend a little fearful of dogs; but after throwing the indefatiguable Gunnar's toy for him hundreds of times, they were the best of buds.
^Dinner, a pig raised on Scott's cousin's ranch in eastern Montana.

No reunion is complete without attempts at family pictures:
^Scott's parents Alan & Teri surrounded by 3 of their 4 kids, and all 7 of their grandkids.
^Grandpa Grumpy, Grandma Cookie & their grandkids
^Aislyn & Liam striking a pose
^The back of the shirts honoring Grandpa Bob; Grandpa Bob & Grandma Myrtle's four kids & their spouses (Scott's dad is top left; his sister Carmen second from left, then brothers Bud & Larry).

After all that fun, we got back in our cars and headed east to Belgrade, for 5+ days of fun at Grandma and Grandpas...

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