Some facts and stories about our kids, some of which are a bit old...
Charlie's feet stink. It's amazing. And I know where he gets it, unfortunately.
His lack of fear is becoming more evident daily. He has managed to climb to the second rung on the ladder of Zach's bunk bed. And I'm not taking him to the park too often, as I learned he will now try to walk down the slide. The big kid slide.
Charlie has decided that only one kind of sippy cup will do. The rest he just takes a sip or two and then throws it in disgust. We have about 5 different kinds of cups, since Zach couldn't have cared less. I guess we won't be using those any time soon.
Charlie thinks it's a fun game to point to me and say "da da." I say, "no, ma ma!" and he laughs and laughs.
He has two teeth coming in towards the back on the top. He won't let me poke around, so I'm not sure if they are molars or just eye teeth in a sorta weird spot. These will add to his top 4 front teeth and 3 bottom front ones.
After I explained what Memorial Day was to Zach (see, old story), he said "I know who I am going to remember!" Since we have been very fortunate to not lose anyone close to us since Zach was born (knock knock knock), I was pretty curious where he was going with this. His answer: Harmon Killebrew!
These days Zach doesn't want to go anywhere without friends. When I ask if he wants to go to the zoo/park/Children's museum/beach, his answer is always "are any of our friends coming?" I guess Charlie and I aren't entertaining enough these days.
Zach once called Charlie "madagascar head."
His fascination with math continues. We often have exchanges like this, usually in the car:
Zach: mom, what's 30+20+20?
Me: 70. (it's much easier to answer those questions than "what's one thousand plus 9 million two hundred plus 90 plus twenty hundred?)
Zach: (pause) so 3+2+2 is 7?
Me: yes.
Zach: (a minute or so later) so is 3+2+1 6?
On an outing to Burger King for breakfast with Scott, Zach got the french toast sticks for a special treat. As he began eating one, he held it out to Scott and asked him to remove the dog hair. Scott decided to just pick off the hair and leave it at that, but a second later Zach said "is there a dog at Burger King?"
the two random pictures on the left are from a children's museum outing. Charlie was fascinated with that exhibit; I guess he'll be an ice fisherman someday!)
Farmhouse kitchen design plan
7 years ago
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