Monday, June 2, 2008

Update on the basics

Here's an update on the basics with the Willards these days...

The house is still on the market, after about 2 months (if you know anyone who wants to live in S Mpls - send them our way!). We've had a decent number of showings, but haven't found that "right buyer" yet. Keeping the house ready for showings is a bit of a challenge with a toddler and a dog (mostly the dog), but we're hanging in there.

Zach is 16 months old, and a toddler in every sense of the word. He's discovered running, and I've had to adjust my expectations when we're out and about - he's pretty fast. He's finally got his third tooth, and it appears at least three more will be poking through any minute now. He's chattering pretty much nonstop; we just wish we could understand what he's talking about, because he often seems to think he's darn funny. Words we can understand that he uses appropriately include mom, dad, hi, bye, dog, up, down, ball, and of course, the ever popular "no". I've included a few recent pics; one is of a funny face that he makes where he tilts his head down and looks at you under his eyelashes. I think he's imitating my "stern" face... guess that's not very effective. :)

I am taking the summer off from classes, other than some music and other classes Zach and I will take together. We find lots of ways to keep busy, especially now that the weather is (finally) starting to appear summer-like. We are anticipating a fun grandparent-filled summer, particularly the month of July when G&G Klicka are renting a house on the St Croix for a few weeks, and G&G Willard will be arriving for a visit. Scott and his dad will be heading out to New York to see some Yankee and Mets games during the last year for both Yankee and Shea stadiums.

I think that's about it for now. I'll do my best to keep this updated!

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