Sunday, April 19, 2009

Cousins galore

My aunt Judy and uncle Jerry hosted an easter egg hunt this year, and were brave enough to include not only their own grandchildren, but also their grand-nieces and nephews. I believe that brought the total to 9 kids total. It was a great chance for Zach to spend some fun times with his cousins - immediate and extended.
Goofy cousins:

(my brother Andy's kids Sophie, age 3, and Chase, age 4.5)

Cute cousins:

Second (third? I never have understood how that works) cousins on an easter egg hunt:
(Spencer; Allie, Emily, and Zach; Maya; Emily and Allie; Zach)

Zach's egg hunt helpers:

Zach was too excited to hold his own basket, so grandma and grandpa helped him out. :)

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