Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Simple pleasures

I'm a little overwhelmed with the amount of photos I took over Easter weekend, and the days leading up to it, so it's going to take me a little while to go through them and post them. Baking cookies, dying eggs, Easter egg hunts, fun with cousins - lots to report on. But in the meantime, I thought I'd share a fun moment Zach and I had yesterday.

It is incredibly fun as a parent to introduce your child to all the wonderful things that exist in this world. Yesterday I got to watch Zach discover... m&ms!!!

We were reading a book that his Grandma Cookie (Willard) had given him a long time ago, that until recently he was not at all interested in. It's a counting book that uses m&ms to teach counting, colors, shapes, and basic math. Now he loves it; this was probably the 4th time I'd read it that day. Then I remembered we had m&ms in the goody bag from the easter egg hunt, so I asked if Zach wanted to see what an m&m was. Needless to say - he loved them. For those of you who know him well, I think you can see the evidence in the pictures - notice how his milk is sitting there untouched??!?!? We've never found anything that trumped milk before, but apparently m&ms do. But as much as he loved them - he was still willing to share with me! :)


Anonymous said...

too funny! maggie just had her first M&M on easter, too. she just loved them, too. actually, she has proven to be a chocoholic just like her mom! uh-oh!

Sarah, Brien, Aiden and Ava said...

Who doesn't love M&M's!? They are Ava's favorite with her southern twang carry-over..."AM and AM's!" I cannot believe Zach went 2 years to be introduced to such a fine product! :) On another note...it could be a good potty training incentive...never say never!