So here is my first list of 5 random things about Zach:
1. He is fascinated with eyebrows. He'll come up and say "can I touch your eyebrows?" He'll then run his thumbs over your eyebrows, which is a very disconcerting feeling. Earlier this week he told me he liked my right eyebrow better than my left; when I asked why, he said because it had more hair. I never knew.
2. He has favorite puzzle pieces. Not favorite puzzles (well, yes, he has those too), but actual pieces of the puzzle. He tells us most often with his Diego puzzle - he likes the pieces with both sand and water on them. He tends to just tuck those into his left arm while we're doing the puzzle - he doesn't actually want to use them, he just wants to hold them.
3. Zach spent the entire day on the 4th of July calling our hostess "Sylvia's grandma." Such as "Sylvia's grandma, do you want to run over there first and then down the hill and around there?" (I think that was an actual example.) We tried to explain that he could call her Virginia, but apparently Sylvia's grandma was easier. Sylvia's grandpa, on the other hand, he simply called Jim.
4. His favorite way to play with his grocery cart is to offer us the food. We generally get two or
three choices, one of which is often a frozen cucumber. I have no idea why he thinks that particular vegetable should be served frozen, but if you want a cucumber, he only has frozen.
5. When playing "I spy", a game we regularly play in the car, Zach always spies something pink. It doesn't matter if there is nothing pink for miles, which is often the case, he'll tell you to just keep looking. Pink is no longer his favorite color (it's now a tie between red and blue), but he still thinks this is hilarious.
3. Zach spent the entire day on the 4th of July calling our hostess "Sylvia's grandma." Such as "Sylvia's grandma, do you want to run over there first and then down the hill and around there?" (I think that was an actual example.) We tried to explain that he could call her Virginia, but apparently Sylvia's grandma was easier. Sylvia's grandpa, on the other hand, he simply called Jim.
4. His favorite way to play with his grocery cart is to offer us the food. We generally get two or
5. When playing "I spy", a game we regularly play in the car, Zach always spies something pink. It doesn't matter if there is nothing pink for miles, which is often the case, he'll tell you to just keep looking. Pink is no longer his favorite color (it's now a tie between red and blue), but he still thinks this is hilarious.
Those are so funny! It is funny that he has an obsession with eye brows--when Mick was little he had an obsession with ears.
I've always preferred your right eyebrow as well! ha! Too funny. I'm glad he wasn't "into" eyebrows when I saw him! I probably would have driven right to the salon to have them "done." :) ...hee hee He's a riot! Make that list to's entertaining!
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