Sunday, June 20, 2010

Not your typical father's day weekend

I think most dads want to spend father's day weekend doing... nothing. Sleeping in, laying on the couch, watching a ball game with a beer, maybe getting up to throw some burgers on the grill - that sort of thing. That's not exactly how Scott spent his father's day weekend this year - instead he spent most of the weekend putting together a new swing set for our boys.

So how does this big pile of (unlabeled) wood and gazillions of nuts, bolts, screws, and washers

turn into this???

With a LOT of hard work, that's how. Scott was outside by 7:30 Saturday morning, and only came inside for a dinner break and a very short ice-cream cake break before he called it quits around 9:15 pm. After four more hours of work Sunday morning - it was complete! Doesn't it look GREAT?!?!

Despite all our efforts to prepare him, not surprisingly Zach had a very hard time waiting for this project to be completed. Friday night, after Scott and I came in from prepping the wood with some weather-proofing gunk, Zach very excitedly asked if his play park was ready. When we said no, he said "then what are you doing in here???" What a task-master!

And, as you can see, he played on each part as soon as possible, even having a snack on his new little picnic area while Scott did his best to work around him. So far, Zach's favorite thing to do on his new swingset is race his cars down the slide. Not particularly surprising, I guess.

And does Zach understand and appreciate what a huge effort this was? That his dad gave up the majority of a weekend just so that he (and someday Charlie) would have a fun place to play in the backyard? Of course not. But I do. And it's just one of many, many reasons why Scott is the amazing dad that he is. So on behalf of the two cuties pictured below, thank you, and we love you! Happy Father's Day!


Sarah, Brien, Aiden and Ava said...

And the Father of the Year Award goes to ....Scott Willard! Wow! Strong work, Scott! The weekend of work will pay off for many years to come! The picture of Zach and Charlie is ADORABLE! I love it and am printing it for myself! :)

Anonymous said...

SALLY is beating NURSE GTO
down the slide!

I knew Sally was faster, NAH, NAH, NAH!

Grampa K

Muffy said...

Awesome job Scott! You are an incredible Dad and with your darlin' wife you make a great team! You have two lucky little boys!