Saturday, October 2, 2010

Cutest baby ever

Cutest baby ever... I think I said the same thing about Zach. But I'm sure I'm not the least bit biased when I marvel at just how cute this baby is:

Another Twins fan*; charming smile.

A very thoughtful boy; Charlie's signature wide eyes

Toes are so very cool; as are his own fingers.

Kicking back and relaxin'

Rolling over; more big eyes

The big eyes from a different angle; another big smile

Some non-pictoral updates...
Charlie is soaking himself in his own drool regularly, but still no obvious signs of teeth. He mastered front-to-back rolling over last weekend, and rolls onto his sides all the time when he's on his back, usually when he's hanging on to his toes. He's almost face-planted in the tub a few times trying to get to those fascinating toes!

On the food front, he's now had rice cereal, pears, applesauce, and squash. His instinct is still to push it out with his tongue, but he happily opens his mouth when the spoon comes in his direction. He also still likes to blow it out; this baby is obsessed with blowing raspberries. He thinks it's hilarious, so we often have "conversations" that sound like blyyyyth, dsssshhh, pythhh. What can I say - it makes him laugh.

You may have noticed my many references to Charlie's eyes. They are definitely the most distinctive feature on his face, partially because they are so darn expressive. His signature look is definitely the wide-eyed wonder look; we get constant comments when we're out and about, since his eyes are always HUGE as he looks around absorbing the sights. And they are definitely changing color; while I think we can rule blue out, it's too soon to call the exact color.

We are still working on sleeping... I'll spare you the details. Better, but still not good. 'Nuff said.

In addition to the rolling over, it's so obvious he's getting stronger and stronger every day. He can hold himself up pretty well when in a sitting position; we can let go for several seconds before he topples forward or back. But no more head wobbles, just working on general balance. I'm so looking forward to when he can sit up on his own!!

*Thanks for the hat Uncle Mick!!


Sarah, Brien, Aiden and Ava said...

Hands down! :)

Laura L. said...

No doubt about it; you make good looking kids.

Kasey Noel Rose and Reagan Caroline Rose said...

For sure! You and Scott are under obligation (along with Matt and I, of course) to help populate the world with beautiful babies!!