Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Zach sings

The kids in Zach's preschool sang in church again right after we got back from Atlanta. Zach didn't have any trouble remembering the words, even though he missed that week of practice. :)

I decided to take pictures this time, rather than video. Ideally I would have brought my tripod, since the church was a little dark and I was in the back, but I think I would have gotten more than a few funny looks if I had. As a result, the pictures are a little blurry, particularly the group one below - but I had to include that one, it made me laugh out loud. There's nothing like a group of 3, 4 and 5 year-olds performing in public!

I have to admit though, watching Zach always makes me a little emotional. He looks so grown up and independent up there! And the look on his face is always so... earnest. He just focuses on his teacher and you can actually see his desire to do his part, to sing as loudly as he can, to get the words and motions right, all to make Mrs. Hulse happy. So very sweet!

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