Wednesday, December 21, 2011

About a boy

A Charliebug update:

First, here's how the injury looks now. Not good, it's such a big mark, but you can see it's healing behind the glue. I suspect he'll have an interesting scar... good thing it's on his eyebrow!

Some recent Charlie-isms:

If you are sitting on the floor, he takes it as an invitation to get a bunch of books, pile them one by one on you, and then back up (without looking) and plop into your lap. But he'd still prefer we didn't read most books to him, he likes to be in control.

He still likes to stand on his head, and has actually done a somersault on his own a few times.

Cars are his go-to toy. It's also his go-to word: "cah." We hear it constantly, whether in reference to the hundreds of Lightning McQueen-branded items in our home, or to actual cars on the road. And for some reason, he usually says it in his gravely "2 pack a day" voice.

In Charlie's world, cows don't say "moo," they say "boo." He's getting quite a few animal noises down, recognizable to us anyway, including baaa, quack, woof, and hoo-hoo. He gives cockadoodledoo a shot; it comes out sounding like "cock-a-ooo". Close enough.

Charlie has been, and remains, the kid in our ECFE class who doesn't sit down during circle time. Zach thinks this is hilarious, since there was always a child in his classes who wouldn't plop down on their parent's lap to sing songs. And now that kid is Charlie.

This boy can jump - his feet actually leave the ground!

Our short little guy has finally achieved a goal he's been working on for a while - being able to climb onto the furniture. His face is hilarious when he gets up there - he is soooo proud of himself. So now the constant refrain in our house is "sit down or get down" and/or "knees or bottom!!!" We also have to hide the remote control in trickier places now.

If you ask Charlie to do something he doesn't want to do, he simply turns his head to the side so he can't see you. I wish the "if I can't see you, you can't see me trick" worked for adults.

Oh, another word Charlie has mastered: no. Yippee.

Like his big brother, Charlie thinks all the good food is in the pantry. If he doesn't like what we gave him, he'll do the sign for more and then point to the pantry door.

You don't want to sit near Charlie at lunch. His cup sails through the air at least three times per meal.

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