Friday, March 9, 2012

A Perfect Moment

The two ingredients/background to the perfect moment:

1.  I love to read.  I enjoy tv and movies, but if I had to choose, the book would always win.  It's my favorite way to relax, escape, be entertained, etc.

2.  My boys have a witching hour.  Between 4:00 and 5:30 PM is my absolute least favorite time of day.  I don't know if it's that they're getting tired, I'm getting tired, we're all getting hungry, or some other weird biological/environmental factors, I just know that's the time of day when you are most likely to hear whining, crying, and yelling at our house.  The boys always want to play together, but it seems to be the time they are least capable of doing so successfully.  I do my best, but sometimes I don't have the energy to play in order to keep the peace either.  In summary: it isn't pretty.

So, imagine the moment earlier this week as I was trying to finish making dinner at some point during that witching hour, when I realized what I was hearing: silence.  I looked up, and made a beeline for my camera so I could capture the perfect moment:

Yep, my two boys, independently happily engrossed in books.  One reading, the other "reading,"  Yes, I did notice they couldn't relax, sit down and curl up with their books; one even has just have one foot on the ground, but I don't care!!  A. Perfect. Moment.


Sarah, Brien, Aiden and Ava said...

Soon they will be ignoring their roommates! :) Hee hee hee

Amy said...

I love this. I wish my kiddos did this more. I swear it's like a time clock... it's 4:30 gimme a popsicle.