Wednesday, September 3, 2008


This is what happens when we pull out the camera and ask Zach to smile. Good for seeing how few teeth he has, but not much of a smile! This is also what happens when he tries to eat with a spoon. We're trying really hard to let him do it himself, so that he won't go to kindergarten unable to eat with a spoon, but it sure isn't easy to watch.

Other exciting news in the Willard household: someone in the family has allergies. Dog allergies. And I don't mean that one of us is allergic to dogs... Koskie has fall allergies of some sort. It happened last year, and I was hoping it was a one-time thing, but nope, a few days ago he started scratching and biting at his feet and legs again. So he's back on antihistamines, and it appears we'll be doing this every year. Only we would have a dog with allergies!

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