My most immediate favorite he said this morning. Scott had just left for work, and as Zach walked back into the living room, I could hear him saying (to himself): "Daddy... work... bye-bye... hug... kiss... yeah, ok." With these pauses between each word; it was like he was going through what had just happened at the back door with daddy, and deciding it was ok.
His latest obsession is the number nine. He has learned to count to ten (followed by 13 and 16, for some reason), but he loves 9. He'll be talking about something else, and suddenly he'll just yell "nine!!" Other times, he'll be whining about something, or saying no to something, and it will just end up as nine... like "noooo-niiiine!" I have to wonder - is this how engineers think? With just random numbers in their heads?? I certainly don't whine or cry in numbers, he must get that from his dad.
Speaking of whining and crying, there's been more of that than usual at our house - more teeth are making an appearance. One has poked through; I think it's an incisor, but there must be more coming because besides the usual drooling and sticking his fingers in his mouth, he's been quite the moody kid. I'm hoping that's teeth; I thought we'd have another 13 years or so before he got moody!
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