Wednesday, June 20, 2012

103 Days

There's 104 days of summer vacation
then school comes along just to end it.
So the annual problem
for our generation
is finding a good way to spend it!

Not familiar with this catchy tune?  You need to watch Phineas and Ferb on Disney!  It is Zach's  favorite show, and since it's probably targeted a little bit above his age level, I just hope he's taking away the good stuff (creativity, imagination, friendship, family) instead of the not-so-good (some name-calling, an evil scientist fighting a platypus in every episode... don't ask).  Anyway, the point of the show is that you have to make the most of summer, something we're talking about with Zach since he'll be starting "real" school in the fall.  We counted, and he has 103 days of summer vacation this year.  We haven't been creating a roller coaster that goes to space or finding Frankenstein's brain, but we have been...

Staying cool in our very own backyard when it gets hot:

Staying cool at our friends' pool and at the local watering hole too:

We've collected too much candy and other goodies at a parade:

And during one of our many recent rainy days, checked out the fun at the Children's Museum:

We "hiked" (Zach wanted to know where the mountains were; I guess he got spoiled hiking in Montana!) a local nature preserve, with great views of the St. Croix River:

Whew.  And all this doesn't include our random park visits, birthday parties, trampoline jumping, playdates with friends, t-ball practice and games, and the little mini-camps Zach is signed up for some mornings and afternoons!  We're doing our best to enjoy the summer.  And sometimes all this fun leads to this rare scene:
I think P&F would approve.

(some of the pictures are from my phone; please disregard the quality!)

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