Monday, July 9, 2012

So random

A totally random update for your perusal...

1.  I forgot about some super-cute pictures I found on my camera from a trip to the little free zoo we took with our friends Kasey & Reagan (and Jenny too!).  Charlie is delightful to take to the zoo; he giggles unrestrainedly at the animals - for some reason they are all hilarious to him.  Zach has never been an animal guy; he spends most of the time asking Charlie if he's ready to move on to the next exhibit.  But he loves the rides - what zoo would be complete without rides???

2.  While Charlie's ear tube surgery went swimmingly (pun intended), he developed a high fever that evening.  After phone calls to the ENT doctor and a trip to urgent care, we were assured the fever was unrelated to the surgery, that he had coincidentally caught some bug.  I wouldn't be surprised if he'd picked up those germs at his pre-op physical at the pediatricians two days before!  Fortunately, the fever only lasted 12 hours, and he was back to his normal self.  A self who seems to enjoy the sound of his own happy screams a lot more these days...!

3.  Zach had his end-of-the-season t-ball tournament this weekend.  Three games total, although those games followed the usual rules - no outs, everyone gets to first, no score kept.  So we're not really sure why they call it a tournament!  :)  But boy, you should see the cool medal he got!  And he's ready - bring on coach-pitch next year!

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