Thursday, December 4, 2008

The letter Z

We joined the YMCA this week (we need to fight off the winter blues somehow). As I was putting his shoes on, I told Zach we were going to go to the Y to go swimming. He paused for a moment, and then looked at me and said "Zach go to letter Z!" I love the way his mind works!

We went to the Christmas display at the downtown Macy's yesterday with some friends, which is becoming an annual tradition. This year's theme was "a day in the life of an elf", complete with elves making toys, gathering Santa's mail, etc. Zach seemed to like the animals decorating the tree the best - a polar bear with a penguin on his head, a dancing pig, and Zach's favorite animal -a donkey! I lugged my camera all the way down there, only to discover the battery was dead. Our friends took some pictures, so hopefully they'll share so I can share them with you.

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