Sunday, December 28, 2008

Winter wonderland

We drove down to Milwaukee on Tuesday afternoon, to spend Christmas with the Klicka family. The drive was uneventful, other than the fact that our ears were ringing a little from listening to Zach talk non-stop. We are very thankful for our portable dvd player and Elmo dvds - they make the 5 hour trip bearable!

Apparently someone wanted to make sure Zach had a white Christmas... Milwaukee had already gotten 40+ inches of snow this month, and the great big white flakes started falling again on Christmas Eve and just kept going all day. Since it was relatively warm (compared to Minneapolis anyway!), we took Zach out to have his first real experience playing in the snow.

I think, in the end, it took us longer to get Zach into his many layers than he actually played outside. He isn't thrilled to wear mittens, let alone wet mittens! So after a few snowballs and a little ride on the sled, he headed back inside to play with grandpa's trains.

More to come - we've got lots of pictures to share!

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