Thursday, December 4, 2008

The pizza man

As I may have mentioned before, one of the things Zach inherited from both his parents is a deep love of pizza. So I had to laugh this morning when he looked in the mirror, saw the new scrape below his left eye, and said "Zach has pizza on face."

Yesterday when I told Zach the plan to go to Macy's with his friends, he responded "good idea mama!" It's nice to get some positive feedback. :)

While we haven't gotten the snow that the Klickas have gotten in Milwaukee, it's darn cold here. So we're practicing wearing our mittens! If you see Zach, please tell him how awesome he looks when he wears his mittens.

1 comment:

Kasey Noel Rose and Reagan Caroline Rose said...

How cute! I will remember to compliment him on his mittens tomorrow!