A few months ago, Scott used the phrase "help a brother out" when he was talking to Zach. Zach responded very logically - I don't have a brother daddy! Curious, Scott asked him if he knew what a brother was. I loved Zach's answer, which was "someone to have a snack with."
We've often remembered that particular story with a smile because in the spring, Zach will have someone to have a snack with. Yep, we're having another baby!
Some answers to frequently asked questions:
The baby is due May 9th, so I'm 12+ weeks along.
Zach turns 3 on January 21, so he'll be a few months past three when the baby is born.
I've been feeling very well, thanks for asking. Very similar to my pregnancy with Zach - no sickness in the morning or otherwise. I'd hardly know I was pregnant, other than some minor symptoms like fatigue and the desire to eat everything in sight (and out of sight, unfortunately, our Halloween candy supply has been decimated).
We don't know if we're going to find out the gender. We change our minds daily (well, at least I do). It will likely be a decision we make on ultrasound day. We did not find out with Zach, and we are a little curious what it's like to know in advance... but we'll see.
Yes, Zach knows... sort of. We just told him a few days ago. This will be an on-going conversation, since six+ months is a long time for a two year old. We'll have more serious conversations at it gets a little closer, and when there is more tangible proof - setting up the baby's room, my shrinking lap, etc. But the conversation we did have was pretty funny. Scott asked Zach again if he knew what a brother was, and got the same answer about someone to snack with. Then he asked what a sister was, and Zach paused for a minute, and then said he didn't know (apparently you don't snack with a sister?!?!). I used his cousins as an example, that Bryn and Maryn are sisters, and then asked who Chase's sister was; he correctly identified his cousin Sophie. When we asked him if he wanted a brother or a sister, his answer was: a Sophie!
We also asked what he wanted to name the baby. He said Zach. We explained that was his name, and wouldn't that be confusing if they had the same name??? I gave him examples; if I called "Zach!" - that both he and the baby would come running. And that if mail came addressed to Zach Willard, we wouldn't know who it was for!!! He's very interested in the mail these days, since he got so much when he had his cast on, so now thinks that's hilarious, he repeats it and laughs hysterically. He also decided if it was a girl she should be named Sally, since that's the sister's name in The Cat in the Hat. Good input, but I'm not sure we'll be going with his suggestions...
Farmhouse kitchen design plan
7 years ago
Congratulations :) We're very excited for you!
Congratulations Willards! What a sweet story to share the news with! Blessings on your pregnancy!
So glad the news is finally out! Congrats again. About the finding out the sex--we were given a 90% chance that Bryn was a girl and 80% that Maryn was a girl. Not sure what it is like to actually know.
Congrats to you all! Do you remember that Aiden wanted to name his sister, Sally, too? We ended up going to Build-A-Bear and letting him build a frog named Sally because then we couldn't have 2 Sally girls! :) Thank goodness...Ava doesn't really seem like a Sally. :) Keep us updated on how everything is going!
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