Wednesday, July 21, 2010

3.5 year old Zach

In honor of Zach's "half birthday" today, here is a compilation of random Zachisms from the last month or two:
Zach's response when Scott was trying to explain that it would take a while to put his swingset together because it was complicated: Just start from the corners and work in.

I was a picky eater as a child. I remember being a picky eater. A very picky eater. So you would think I would have a little empathy for Zach as he becomes more and more picky every day. But it drives me crazy, especially when the food in question is something he used to eat ALL THE TIME! One of many examples: noodles. Our child will not eat noodles. No, not even mac 'n cheese. So we continue to offer him these things and try to get him to take at least one bite. Recently, while at our friends' house, we put about 3 noodles on Zach's plate and told him he had to try at least one. Since there was dessert in the equation he tried one. And gagged. This is something he's done before (and something I remember doing as a child...), so we just ignored him. Until he gagged so much that he threw up. Right down the front of his shirt as he sat at the table. And no one was more surprised than he was! Our friends, of course, thought it was hilarious, and I confess I had to laugh too, eventually.

Zach has begun combining his two favorite things - cars and baseball. One day I overheard him creating a story where Lightning McQueen got hurt while sliding into second base. When I asked, he was happy to tell me the whole story; it turns out that LMQ was playing for the Twins, and Doc Hudson for the Yankees. While playing, poor LMQ hurt his tire sliding into 2nd, but it's ok because Luigi and Guido can give him a new tire.

How many moms have been asked by their preschool-aged sons if they want to have a draft? Not many, I'm guessing. So I plopped down on the floor and we alternated picking cars from the lineup he had meticulously created.

Zach tried his first beer a couple weeks ago (we start 'em young in our family). He asked Scott for a taste, and Scott let him take a swig, anticipating the outcome. At first we were shocked, as he smiled and said "I love it!" But then Scott realized he must not have really gotten any, so told him to try again. Then we got the reaction we expected - a hilariously scrunched face and a great big "yuck!" I wish I'd had the video camera ready.

While watching Dora one day, Zach asked me what "navoy" meant. I asked him to repeat it, since I didn't recognize the word (at least not in English). After he said it again, I repeated it to make sure I'd heard him right, and he said yes, that the lamb had just said it. I said I didn't know what it meant, that I didn't know that word. He paused and then said, very slowly, "can you say nah? can you say voy?" Uh yes, I can say it, but I still don't know what it means!

Zach got his hair cut earlier this week. As the stylist was spraying his hair with water, he flinched and tried to lean away. She told him it was ok, that it was just water. To which he responded: "Yes, and it's ok because water dries. Did you know that? My daddy told me that. My daddy also told me that cotton candy is yucky, but I think it's yummy." After pausing for a second to digest this non sequitur, the stylist lead him into a discussion about his favorite foods, which apparently currently rank as follows: m&ms, then cake, cookies, with ice cream
bring up the rear.
The pictures are from a coin carnival we attended last week. Don't you love the "toilet toss?" Perfect game for a 3.5 year old, it turns out. He was very very delighted with the prizes he won; "prize" being a term I use very loosely. But the plastic junk has entertained him for several days now!

1 comment:

Kayelynn said...

He says the cutest things! What a smart kid!