Monday, July 12, 2010

Paddle paddle kick kick kick

Twice last week we had the opportunity to go to the pool in our friends' Wendy, Chris, and Vincent's neighborhood. It's a fantastic place with both a great big pool and a kiddie pool; the latter Zach will no longer have anything to do with. We had a great time, despite the rain and tornado sirens on our first visit. :)

^The fantastic setting; Vincent enjoying being splashed

^ Squirt gun fight! And Scott and Chris playing the usual football-catching game.

As you may remember, over the winter Scott taught Zach to swim; he was even willing to jump into the water by himself and then swim to Scott. I discovered earlier this summer when I took Zach to the pool that he did not want to swim without his "shark" - a flotation device that allows him to swim freely on his own (I highly recommend these; see the picture of Vincent above). Apparently those couple months without access to a pool undermined Zach's confidence in the water. So after two separate outings to the pool, with lots of coaxing and ultimately a bribe... we finally got video of Zach swimming!

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Aweseome! Great work Zach.