Sunday, January 22, 2012

5th birthday celebration #1

Our boy is five years old. And nothing made that sink in faster than watching him at his party on Friday. He had been telling me for months that he wanted to go to one of the local inflatable/bounce house places with some friends. When the time came to make official plans, he had narrowed the list of invites quite a bit, to three boys, one from each of the major areas of his life: Brett, his buddy from school; Payton, his buddy from the neighborhood, and Vincent, his buddy from our old ECFE days.

So off we went...

I didn't take a lot of pictures there, since it was oddly-dark and all the pictures ended up a tad blurry (my apologies for some of these, but the ones like the group shot I just had to include!). After the boys were worn out (and Payton took a little rest on the bench), we headed to our house:

Time for an Angry-Birds themed cookie cake and gift opening, and another cute group picture (l-r Payton, Brett, Zach & Vincent). And then, Zach discovered his dad had set up a scavenger hunt to find his big gift from us. The clues led him all over the house, until he found his way into the basement:

And then it was pinata time!

Looking at Zach in this pack of boys has just really made me realize how much he has grown. He has friends, friends he has picked on his own and likes for their own individual personalities. And they had a lot of fun celebrating his birthday!

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