Saturday, January 28, 2012

Chop Chop

I've looked back at pictures of Zach when he was about 1.5, and regretted not getting his hair cut sooner; a mullet is just not a good look for a toddler. So when Charlie's hair started growing in the same way, wispy, long on top and in the back, I told myself I would not wait as long this time around. After taking a look at him in his high chair the other morning, I decided that was the day for his first haircut!

^ Before... yikes.

^ He was not thrilled with having the cape put on. But there's nothing like Elmo to distract a little boy.

^After: much better, and a much older-looking boy!

1 comment:

Sarah, Brien, Aiden and Ava said...

Wow! What a big boy! He looks so handsome! It's hard to believe in a couple months he will be 2! How does that happen?!