Friday, October 5, 2012

Truck day

Every year, in late September, our city hosts "Truck Day."  I was pretty excited to take Charlie, to see how much he loved climbing in and out of those big trucks, pretending to drive, honking the horn.  Zach was a little disappointed to miss the big day, but he was more excited for his first day of curling!  So while Scott and Zach headed to the curling club, Charlie and I were off to truck day.

 ^ I believe I have mentioned Charlie's aversion to wearing a coat/sweatshirt.  Since Truck Day morning started out cool, I tried to get him to wear this cute fleece that brings back all sorts of memories of when Zach was little... he wore it all the time.  You can see Charlie's reaction: get this off me!!!

Can you find our little man up there??
Giving the fireman "knuckles" 

To my surprise, Charlie wasn't thrilled.  He enjoyed pointing out the trucks to me, but wasn't so enthused about climbing in them.  Huh.  Who would have thought???  As you can see, I did get him to go in a few, but gave up after a while... why make a two year old stand in line (with other equally impatient kids) for something he doesn't even really want to do??  Instead we enjoyed the music of the Teddy Bear Band for a while, and then Charlie wanted to go into the library and get a book.  So we did that, and went home with our book about Babe Ruth.  :)

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