Sunday, November 2, 2008

Our Halloween in review

We are having the most amazing weather, for September or October, let alone November. We're trying to get outside as much as we can, while we can. Koskie and I took a long walk Sunday afternoon, and I found myself wishing I had shorts on! I love it! Of course, then by 5 pm it was totally dark... I don't love that. Ugh. Winter here we come.

I had planned to upload all sorts of our Halloween pictures (using Scott's computer), to do sort of a pictoral Halloween in review. But then his computer lost our wireless connection and wouldn't connect again, so I decided to take that as a sign and give up.

So above is the one picture I got to upload - Zach and Kasey, our friends Matt and Jenny's then 8-month old, at the pumpkin patch. Cute, aren't they? Zach loves Kasey; all babies are Kasey to him. :)

1 comment:

Kasey Noel Rose and Reagan Caroline Rose said...

Awww, shucks. Kasey loves Zach, too. Maybe if he is lucky, he can get one of her new, wet, open mouthed kisses!