Thursday, November 20, 2008

Zach eat it?

Zach and I tried a new adventure this afternoon - baking cookies. As anyone who knows me knows, baking is not exactly my forte. But I thought we'd give it a shot. And I discovered Zach was definitely excited about the concept, but not really into the execution. I spent the entire time trying to keep him from eating the batter in its various stages - including a concoction of eggs, chocolate chips,and vanilla. Yum! Every time we dumped in a new ingredient and I told him to mix, he'd say "Zach eat it?"

But as you can see - he definitely enjoyed the result!

I also thought I'd blog about two of Zach's favorite things these days - Elmo and Koskie. Elmo isn't new - he's been oddly fixated on that red muppet for what seems like forever. But he recently discovered the puppet that G&G Klicka gave him - including the secret button that makes Elmo talk. He loves it!

He also has discovered he loves our poor dog. The picture below captures pretty well what a great dog we have - check out the "I'm putting up with it but please get this little boy off me" look on Koskie's face as Zach "hugs" him. He has been a tremendously patient dog, putting up with Zach's new fascination with "diving" on him (it's not as bad as it sounds, but it does result in Zach basically laying on poor Koskie). This dog deserves a lot more walks than he's been getting lately!